Benefits of Service Dogs for PTSD Recovery

A new study highlights the benefits of
service dogs for ptsd recovery. It reveals the specific tasks the dogs perform, as well as the extent to which they help combatants cope with their PTSD symptoms. A service dog helps combatants anchor themselves in the present while distracting them from flashbacks and re-experiencing episodes. The findings suggest that service dogs are helpful for a variety of PTSD symptoms, from hypervigilance to reduced depression.
Often, a service dog is trained to perform movement tasks, such as opening doors and retrieving medication bottles. Many people with PTSD experience anxiety in crowded areas, fearing being approached from behind, and are often hesitant to enter a new building. A service dog can help ease this anxiety by performing crowd control tasks for them. They can circle their handler in a crowded space, cover their back, and rise up when people approach.
There are a variety of organizations that provide psychiatric service dogs. Some private organizations will even cover the cost of training your dog. Whether you choose to get a service dog through the Department of Veteran Affairs or through a private organization is up to you. No breed is off limits, but certain breeds are more popular than others. A service dog's work will be individualized based on the needs of the person using it.
Compared to the general public, veterans who reported a close bond with their service dogs were significantly more likely to use the tasks that their dogs trained them to perform. The researchers noted that veterans who felt closer to their service dogs used the tasks more often, regardless of the severity of their PTSD. Furthermore, veterans with longer relationships with their service dogs reported more frequent task use, whereas veterans with lower levels of PTSD did not. These findings support the theory that veteran-service dogs can have beneficial effects on PTSD recovery.
The study findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the therapeutic effects of psychiatric service dogs. They document the importance of the tasks trained in the service dog's treatment in the management of PTSD symptoms. They also examine the relationship between veteran-service dog relationships, the dog's placement, and the severity of PTSD symptoms. This study provides important information about the benefits of service dogs for PTSD recovery and should be used to improve the training of other dogs for this purpose. This link sheds light into the topic, so check it out!
The untrained behaviors of a service dog were just as important to the veterans as their trained behaviors. This untrained behavior is particularly important for veterans, as it serves as a companion and source of love. Veterans who receive assistance from their service dog also report that they are happier with the relationship. While there are some benefits associated with training a service dog, it is the untrained behavior that provides the most clinically relevant value. Check out this post for more details related to this article: